The brain is focused on surviving and not necessarily on thriving:
Survival is at the base of all existence. The human brain is structured primarily for survival. It is super good at differentiating things and identifying things that help in spotting dangers, threats, and uncertainties intuitively and instinctively much before it can figure out opportunities, assurance, and certainties. The brain overtime has also developed mechanisms to cope with dangers, threats, and uncertainties such as fight, flight, freeze, and or feign. Hence, there is no surprise that it is hard for most people to try new things or any new change. As an instinct brain resists the change as it wants to stay in the current status quo that is secure and safe for survival – for now.
The brain is lazy:
The brain tries to save energy and avoid pain – again it sees saving energy as necessary for survival and pain as an indication of danger. If there are two routes to the same destination, the brain will try to choose the easier, less energy consuming, and less painful one. For example, scrolling the phone screen or watching TV is less energy-consuming than reading a book or less painful than striking up a conversation with a stranger. This is another reason adopting new and good habits such as exercising, dieting, meditating, etc. is harder and the brain tries to avoid it, at any cost.
To be continued …
Do you agree? What are your thoughts?
Interesting, also only during pain and am when the Bain is not in the auto pilot it learns the most. ☺️
Interesting, also only during pain and when the brain is not in the auto pilot it learns the most. ☺️