Don’t let your burning desires burn you!

· Being inspired and having a burning desire for the right things is a blessing. That puts you in the top 10-15% category of people.

  • Pause, reflect, and be thankful!
  • Why thankful?
  • One might think all that we do is our own doing but if you reflect on the situations, environment, incidents, and people that happen to us are beyond our own capabilities.
  • So be thankful!

· A blessing can easily turn into a curse.

  • With desire comes expectations.
  • Expectations around how, how fast, and in what ways my dreams MUST manifest.
  • Like how inspiration happens to us, manifestations are beyond our control. It requires the right timing, right efforts, right people, etc., etc. which might feel as if beyond our control (hence the prayers!) but can be planned for. This is also called “strategy.”
  • If this is not done one keeps blaming others, situations, and worst of all starts blaming oneself.

· Work hard + smart + strategically

  • First thing first. Know yourself
  • What drives you, what are your strengths, and most importantly your weaknesses?
  • It is important to focus on your strengths to enhance those but it is even more important to pay attention to your weakness. So that they don’t crush you!
  • You must know your weaknesses so that either you can improve those or become aware and avoid those.
  • Stop comparing yourself with others, even with your role models. Getting inspired or motivated by others is very different than comparing yourself with them. One motivates, the other burns you down slowly but surely!

Ants are smarter than most people

  • Ants know that going from A to B is never a straight line. They are smarter than that. They also know that in addition to the zig-zag path the path also has ups and downs. And, they also know that there would be many hurdles along the way. From simple hurdles like stone or rock to more complex ones like a large water body or stormy stream.
  • They know that it is never going to be simple, straight, and easy and they are always prepared for anything and everything that would come on their way.
  • They work together as one. Rather than one smartest ant they choose to work together as a “complex adaptive system” that can handle any complexity and adapt to the situations. Some may perish but collectively they always win, almost always!

Are you smarter than an ant?

  • What is your awareness?
  • What is your strategy?
  • Rather than one perfect way, what are 15 different ways to reach your goals?
  • What different areas do you need to develop and grow in order to achieve end results?
  • How am I working with others without competing with them to create a “complex adaptive system” for my mutual growth?
  • What are your END results? What might be your purpose?

· What you really want?

  • This might be a little complex for you at this phase of life.
    • Living life fully allows you to realize your true purpose
    • Life is a journey hence the experiences on the journey are what make you and not the destination alone. The destination is important but not as much as the journey. So, think about what is the journey and experiences I am creating/want to create for myself and the people around me. How am I going to live those experiences?
    • Is it prestige? Money? Or the ego satisfaction that “if they can do it I too can?” If achieving these is not going to make you feel happy, give you a sense of growth, and doesn’t help in creating positive experiences for yourself and your people then is it worth it? What would you change – your goals or your ways to achieve your goals?
    • Life is all about feeling a sense of growth, a sense of making an impact, being of value to others, being happy, and being thankful. Is it that achieving your goals is the only one way to grow, impact, help, be happy and be thankful?

· Let life guide you:

  • Do what you must but be happy and be thankful
  • Don’t be a toddler stuck on … I want it now, I want it this way, why not me???
  • Follow your passion but also follow who you are with all your strengths and weaknesses. You are the only ONE like yourself. You are unique. Realize it. Celebrate it.


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