10 Lessons From Vijayadashmi – Victory Over Evil

Are Navaratri, Durga Puja, and Ram Leela same?

Was the killing of Mahisasur and Ravan happened on the same day?

Are we celebrating the end of 10 faces of Ravan or the victory of Durga?

And many more similar questions. But in those questions here are 10 lessons that we all can learn from Vijayadashmi …

1.     Both Mahisasur and Ravan were accomplished and powerful individuals. Mahisasur was great-grandson of Bhramarshi Kashyap with a boon from Brahma based on his wish that he will not be killed by any man or animal. Whereas Ravan was a great devotee of lord shiva with a boon that no god or demon will be able to kill him.

·      We all have boons and special powers, what are mine?

2.       “What gets created (takes birth) must end  sooner or later” – an unbending principle of
universe that one must realize and accept:

·      Am I thankful for my superpowers and do I recognize that those will end at some point

3.       Once they believed that they are immortal both used their powers to do more evil

·      Am I using my superpowers for good. Am I catching yourself doing evil and correcting immediately?

4.       Both ignored warnings by their well wishers and appeals from common people all around them

·      Am I paying  attention to all small or large suggestions, advises from the wise and pushbacks, and revolts from the common?

5.       Durga and Ram, had to be created as new avatars to win over evil. Durga became Chandi (Ferocious) and Ram created allies for winning

·      What new avatar will I have to take on to recognize and win over evil that takes root in me? What type of aggression and new alliances will I have to create?

6.      Mahisasur could change his appearances to disguise, and Ravan had 10 different faces/negative characters depicting: Kaam, Krodh, Ahankar, Moah, Lobh, Matsarya, Ghrina, Jadaata, maad, and Bhaya. (Lust, Anger, Ego, Attachment, Greed, Envy, Hatred, Inertness, Pride, and Fear)

·      I need to identify all evil that has germinated over time within myself in order to win over it. What are my10 faces of disguise that are taking me on a wrong path? 

7.      Even though Durga and Ram were god’s avatars they took 10 days to win over evil

·      It takes time to win over our own bad nature and habits

8.     It took 21 days for Ram to come back to his capital (adobe) after defeating Ravan

·      Just winning over one time doesn’t help. It takes at least 21 days for new behavior and habits to become lasting

9.     Ram and Durga had to return once their mission was accomplished

·      We all will/must cease to exist at some point hence, practice and spread the path of good and saatvik

10. Vijayadashmi is cyclical and must repeat

·      Just because I won doesn’t mean I remain victorious all the time. Evil will re-emerge. So I must be on alert, keep an eye inside and outside of myself and be ready to wage a new war over evils with a new avatar. It will be yet another time for a new Vijayadashami – for a new victory over myself!

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